Shining3D EinScan H2 3D Scanner

The Shining3D EinScan H2 is a hybrid handheld 3D scanner. Based on many years of experience, Shining3D has further enhanced the 3D colour scanning with EinScan H2.

Purpose of use:
Vzvratni inženiring, kontrola kakovosti, dizajniranje, digitalno arhiviranje, medicina, VR & AR, animacije, arhitektura, izobraževanje, hobi, proizvodnja, orodjarstvo

All prices incl. VAT.

Main features

  • Handheld 3D scanner for easy use
  • Capture of fine details
  • Rich and bright colors
  • New algorithm for 3D scanning of people
  • Precision of 3D scanning up to 0.05 mm
  • 3D scanning speed up to 1,200,000 points/s


The Shining3D EinScan H2 is a handheld 3D scanner that allows comfortable 3D scanning of the human face. EinScan H2 outperforms its predecessor with a 5 MP texture camera, improved accuracy and three infrared VCSEL projectors for more realistic textures and better data quality. Its wide D-scan range and flexible working distance make it suitable for a variety of applications – 3D scanning of small or large objects in narrow or wide spaces. EinScan H2 is a powerful 3D scanning tool that can transform your workflow by provides high-quality 3D data in full colour, ready to use in minutes.


  • 5MP texture camera
  • Three VCSEL projectors
  • Accuracy to 0.05 mm
  • Extremely wide FOV and flexible working distance

Update your equipment with higher textural effects and precision. The EinScan H2 will ensure that you get the latest 3D scanner with a hybrid light source and high texture resolution.


EinScan H2 captures rich and bright colours with clean textures for photorealistic 3D models.


It provides superior adaptability to a variety of materials and lighting conditions and effortlessly handles different types of surfaces and 3D scanning environments.


The dual light source improves the efficiency of 3D scanning:

  • The LED light source enables fast 3D scanning with accurate high-quality data,
  • The infrared VCSEL is ideal for capturing dark surfaces, for 3D scanning of the human body and for brightly lit environments.


1. Flexible 3D scanning distance

It allows adjusting the working distance from 200 mm to 1500 mm, in order to adapt to narrow or wide spaces or objects of different sizes.

2. FOV (field of view) up to 780 mm x 900 mm

It offers the flexibility of scanning volumes for fast capture of large objects.

3. 3D scanning without markers

EinScan H2 can scan rich geometric features without the use of markers.


1. Infrared (IR) technology without flash

Provides seamless 3D face and body scanning.

2. Advanced Hair Capture Algorithm

Designed to successfully capture light and dark hair.

3. “Non-rigid” algorithm in IR mode

Captures 3D body data quickly and seamlessly, automatically compensating for slight movements to eliminate the risk of misalignment.


With its 2-in-1 technology, ergonomic design and excellent software algorithms, the EinScan H2 is a versatile solution suitable for many applications. Use it anywhere, anytime:

  • reverse engineering,
  • quality control,
  • Design,
  • toolmaking
  • production
  • archiving,
  • prosthetics,
  • virtual display,
  • culture,
  • digital art,
  • tailored clothing,
  • Education,
  • Furniture design
  • VR & AR animations


It provides a professional yet easy-to-use 3D scanning interface with automated processing, intuitive user interface design and intelligent data quality indicators.

EinScan H2 is equipped with Solid Edge SHINING3D Edition software.

The EinScan H2 3D scanning SDK is available and open for customisation! Integrate our powerful scanning and data processing into your software or application.


Shining3D offers educational solutions tailored for K12, academic research and global competitions.

ModelEinScan H2
Tip 3D skenerjaRočni hibridni
Barvno 3D skeniranjeDa
Načini 3D skeniranjaVidni načinNevidni način
Svetlobni virBela svetloba (vidna)Infrardeča VCSEL strukturirana svetloba
Delovna razdalja200 – 700 mm200 – 1500 mm
Optimalna delovna razdalja470 mm
Velikost polja skeniranja420 x 440 mm780 x 900 mm
Natančnost 3D skeniranjado 0,05 mmdo 0,1 mm
Natančnost 3D skeniranja0,05 + 0,1mmdo 0,1 + 0,3 mm
Razdalja med točkami0,2 – 3 mm
Hitrost 3D skeniranja1.200.000 točk/s1.060.000 točk/s
Način poravnavePoravnava z markerji, poravnava na strukturo, poravnava na gradnike, hibridna poravnavaGlobalni markerji, poravnava na strukturo, poravnava na gradnike, hibridna poravnava
Programska opremaShining3D
Izhodni formatiOBJ, STL, PLY, ASC, 3MF, P3
Operacijski sistemWindows 10/11 64-bit
CPUIntel Core i7-11.700H ali novejši
RAM64 GB ali več
Grafična karticaNVIDIA GTX/RTX 2060 ali več
Podatkovni vmesnikUSB 3.0
Dimenzije 3D skenerja108 x 110 x 237 mm
Masa 3D skenerja731 g
Dimenzije paketa559 x 328 x 186 mm
Masa paketa5,7 kg
Weight5,7 kg
Dimensions559 × 328 × 186 mm


Type of 3D scanner

Color 3D scanning

Using a 3D scanner

Animations, Architecture, Design, Digital archiving, Education, Hobby, Medicine, Production, Quality control, Reverse engineering, Toolmaking, VR & AR

Maximum object size X, Y

Accuracy up to (in mm)


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