Shining3D EinScan SP V2

2.799,00  excl. VAT

The Shining3D EinScan SP is an entry-level desktop 3D scanner that delivers 3D scanning accuracy down to 0.05 mm.

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SKU: C4290 Categories: ,

Main features

  • Desktop 3D scanner for serious users
  • Quick and easy data capture
  • Precision of 3D scanning up to 0.05 mm
  • Accurate even for reverse engineering needs
  • A high-quality and very affordable product
  • Wide range of applications


The Shining3D 3D EinScan SP is a 3D scanner for experienced users who care about accuracy and want to 3D scan larger objects. EinScan SP is a high quality and affordable product.


Dual scan mode: Auto Scan and Fixed Scan. Wide range of 3D scanning – from small to large objects


– One-click 3D scanning
– Automatic calibration
– 4 seconds for one scan
– 1 minute for 360-degree view in 3D Auto Scan mode


EinScan SP provides accuracy down to 0.05 mm. Accurate even for reverse engineering needs.

Multiple settlement methods:
– with markers
– according to the building blocks
– manual


– Automatic meshing into watertight 3D models
– Connecting to 3D printers
– Can connect to any 3D printer with API access


– Education (primary, secondary and higher education)
– Design and Art (for further 3D printing, reverse engineering)
– Digital industry (animation, VR&AR)
– Archiving and sharing (digitisation)

ModelEinScan SP
Tip 3D skenerjaNamizni
Barvno 3D skeniranjeDa
Načini 3D skeniranjaFiksniSamodejni
Svetlobni virBela svetloba
Delovna razdalja290 – 480 mm
Velikost polja skeniranja120 x 120 cm20 x 20 cm
Natančnost 3D skeniranjado 0,05 mm
Volumska natančnost0,05 + 0,03 mm
Razdalja med točkami0,17 – 0,2 mm
Hitrost 3D skeniranjaManj kot 4 s za en sken
Način poravnavePoravnava z markerji, poravnava na gradnike, ročna poravnava
Programska opremaShining3D
Izhodni formatiOBJ, STL, PLY, ASC
Operacijski sistemWindows 10 64-bit
CPUDual Core i5 ali novejši
RAM16 GB ali več
Grafična karticaNVIDIA GTX 660 ali več
Podatkovni vmesnikUSB 2.0 ali novejši
Dimenzije 3D skenerja skupaj z vrtljivo ploščo570 x 210 x 210 mm
Masa 3D skenerja4200 g
Maksimalna obremenitev vrtljive plošče5 kg


Type of 3D scanner

Color 3D scanning

Using a 3D scanner

Architecture, Design, Digital archiving, Education, Hobby, Medicine, Production, Quality control, Reverse engineering, Toolmaking

Maximum object size X, Y

Accuracy up to (in mm)

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