Shining3D EinScan Libre – Wireless 3D Scanner

The Shining3D EinScan Libre is a wireless 3D scanner designed for fast and accurate data capture without a computer and cables. It features a 5.5-inch OLED touchscreen, a built-in computer, and an NVIDIA processor for standalone scanning. Using laser and infrared light, it allows precise scanning of various materials and complex surfaces, and is capable of scanning both small and large objects.

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Main features

  • Wireless scanning
  • Scanning without a computer
  • Accuracy and flexibility
  • Wide range of applications

Shining3D EinScan Libre – Wireless 3D Scanner

The EinScan Libre, a 3D scanner by Shining3D, is designed for precise and fast 3D data capture without the need for a computer or cables. With its top-tier accuracy, ease of use, and wireless connectivity, it is the ideal choice for those seeking a reliable and mobile 3D scanning solution.

The wireless design enables the mobility of the 3D scanner

The EinScan Libre allows for fast and efficient data capture without the need for cables or a computer, enhancing mobility during work.

It is equipped with a 5.5-inch OLED display, allowing for easy capture, viewing, and management of scanned data through a user-friendly touchscreen. The built-in computer system enables standalone scanning and processing without the need for a laptop. The NVIDIA processor ensures stability and efficiency during operation.

The 3D scanner includes rechargeable batteries, ensuring that there is always enough time for scanning. They can be easily recharged in the convenient charging station, keeping the scanner always ready for use.

The EinScan Libre provides accuracy and flexibility

The EinScan Libre uses laser and infrared light to adapt to different materials and accurately capture textures. With the Laser HD mode, it allows texture alignment during scanning, which enhances accuracy on complex surfaces. It is the first standalone 3D scanner with this feature.

In addition, it is designed for scanning both larger and smaller objects. With support for advanced VCSEL and MEMS technologies, it ensures flexibility and accuracy in capturing objects of various sizes and complexities, making it completely versatile for different user needs.

The EinScan Libre 3D scanner has a wide range of applications

Due to its ability to scan both small and large objects, including more complex ones, the EinScan Libre has a wide range of applications:

  • Archaeology and heritage preservation;
  • Architecture, engineering, and construction;
  • Manufacturing;
  • Forensics;
  • Art and design…


Tip 3D skenerjaRočni 3D skener
Barvno 3D skeniranjeDa
Načini 3D skeniranjaIR RapidIR AdaptiveLaser HD



Svetlobni virIR VCSEL38 IR laserskih linij


101 modrih laserskih linij
Delovna razdalja500 – 1500 mm500 – 1200 mm200 – 500 mm
Velikost polja skeniranja370 × 470- 983 × 979 mm370 × 470- 779 × 835 mm165 × 200 – 382 × 450 mm
Razdalja med točkami0,5 – 10 mm0,5 – 10 mm0,05 – 3 mm
Način poravnaveZ markerji, z globalnimi markerji, glede na značilnosti, glede na teksturo, hibridna poravnavaZ markerji, z globalnimi markerjiZ markerji, z globalnimi markerji, glede na značilnosti, glede na teksturo, hibridna poravnava
Programska opremaNaprava ima nameščeno programsko opremo za skeniranje
Programska oprema za računalnik: EXScan Libre
Izhodni formatiSTL, OBJ, PLY, 3MF, ASC, LAS
Operacijski sistemWindows 10/11 64-bit
CPUIntel i7-11700 ali novejši
RAM32 GB ali več
Grafična karticaNVIDIA GTX 1070 ali več
Podatkovni vmesnikWi-Fi 6, USB-C, USB 3.0, Gigabit Ethernet
Dimenzije 3D skenerja162 × 182 × 266 mm
Masa 3D skenerja1,8 kg (vključno z baterijo)/1,6 kg (brez baterije)





Type of 3D scanner

Color 3D scanning

Accuracy up to (in mm)

Using a 3D scanner

Animations, Archaeology, Architecture, Art, CGI, Digital archiving, Forensics, Production, Reverse engineering


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